So That We Remember Project

An Australia-wide project by retired academic and avid historian Ray Barraclough, focused on the violent dispossession of Indigenous people within Australia’s history. The daily entries include excerpts which show the wide range of ramifications of dispossession, both in the past and reaching into the present.

The content of So That We Remember can serve as an educational resource for educators in schools and wider communities. In particular, the focus in the content is on the cost to Indigenous lives, and communities, of dispossession

The entries, covering 365 days in the year, encompass a whole range of issues that are embedded in this aspect of Australian history. And, as poet Oodgeroo has reminded us: “Let no one say the past is dead. The past is all about us and within.”

The Australian Wars – Teaching Resources

This ground-breaking three-part series gives voice to the historical battles fought on home soil, as the colonial frontier pushed forward, and First Nations peoples resisted. This is our longest and perhaps most defining war that established the Australian nation.

To go with the release of the series, Culture is Life have created extensive curriculum aligned resources for years 10-12.

The resources – linked below – are free to access and include essential Cultural Considerations for teachers before delivering in the classroom. We would be thrilled if you would share these resources with your members:

Culture is Life Education Resources – The Australian Wars:

Teaching First Nations Knowledges & Perspectives:

Classroom ready short clips with aligned resources for Levels 9-12 can also be accessed on SBS Learn: