National Competitions

National History Challenge

The National History Challenge is a research-based competition for students.

It gives students a chance to be an historian, researching world history, examining Australia’s past, investigating their community or exploring their own roots. It emphasises and rewards quality research, the use of community resources and effective presentation.

Each year the ACT HTA hosts a NHC Launch in Term 1 and an NHC award ceremony in Term 4. Members of the committee participate in judging annually of all ACT entries.

The theme for 2024 is ‘Crisis & Response’.

ACT NHC Coordinators: Ann Parry (


The Simpson Prize

The Simpson Prize is a national competition for Year 9 and 10 students. The competition

encourages participants to explore the significance of the Anzac experience and what it has meant for Australia.

The student winners, runners-up and teacher chaperones from each state and territory enjoy a two-day trip to Canberra where they visit several of the capital’s museums and institutions, attend the presentation ceremony at Parliament House, and enjoy a dinner with cadets at the Australian Defence Force Academy.

ACT Coordinator:  Louise Schmidtchen (


Australian History Competition

The Competition is prepared by the History Teachers’ Association of Australia and run in conjunction with The Giant Classroom.

While a primary goal has been to provide an interesting and challenging competition for students, we also see this as an opportunity to support teachers in the implementation of the new Australian Curriculum: History.

It provides a quality resource that demonstrates approaches to the assessment of knowledge, skills and understandings.


Other competitions:

2025 Robert Menzies Institute Speech Competition

The Robert Menzies Institute Speech Competition is a program for secondary students in Australia to practice oratorical skills in a speech relating to the legacy of Australia’s longest-serving Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies. Robert Menzies was well-known for his powerful speeches, including the Jefferson Oration, delivered on US Independence Day at Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia in 1963. Sir Robert Menzies spoke often of the importance of a good speech: “Aim at simple, clear speech, and if you aim at that and achieve it, you will find that this will make a very great difference right through your lives.”

2025 Theme: How important is respectful debate to the health of a democracy?

You must refer to Robert Menzies’s involvement in advancing debate through his actions and policy.
